In Tex-Mex cuisine, fajita is a generic term referring to grilled meat on a flour or corn tortilla. But there's nothing generic about a fajita made with Simply Organic® Fajita Mix. Just the right amount of spices, including chili pepper, garlic, cumin and coriander, to make your fajitas come alive.
Organic Maltodextrin, Organic Chili Pepper, Organic Garlic, Organic Potato Starch, Sea Salt, Organic Onion, Organic Cumin, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Rice Concentrate, Organic Oregano, Organic Coriander.
In a sautee pan, place 1 lb. sliced boneless chicken and 1 Tbsp. oil. Cook thoroughly on medium-high heat, then remove from pan.Slice 1 bell pepper and 1 medium onion. Sautee in 1 Tbsp. oil.Return chicken to pan with vegetables. Add 1/4 cup water and seasoning mix, and stir to combine. Simmer an additional 2 to 3 minutes.
Suggested Uses
Serve fajitas on warm tortillas with lettuce, tomatoes & prepared SImply Organic® Guacamole Dip and sour cream.
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